
08月17日讯 骑士球员 、阿迪达斯品牌代言人米切尔的何米中国行已经停止。

在8月15日,总体米切尔在上海接受了的说颇采访 ,谈及了上赛季的骑士切精采回顾 、新赛季的何米展望以及期待等诸多话题  。

其中使命职员提问道 :

上赛季是总体你退出骑士队的第一个赛季 ,你与新队友们的说颇相助与顺应情景若何呢 ?

米切尔回覆道 :

颇为宜!很清晰地 ,骑士切咱们从上赛季初就一起定下了起劲争胜的何米目的 ,而且在不断为之自动 ,总体在这一整年里,说颇我以为咱们也一起做到了良多自动的骑士切使命 ,良多很棒的何米使命 。

咱们会不断后退 ,总体不断把咱们的团队修筑患上愈加健壮、愈加精锐。

我爱我的兄弟们,今夏又有一些新同伙退出咱们的队伍,有一些长于投射  、能飞善扣的新队友们,这太使人欢喜了。

Q  :The first question is you just joined the Cavaliers last season, how was it fitting with your tea妹妹ates ?

A:It was good !You know, I think obviously we wanted to have success in the plans we did from the beginning, as the year you know as a whole I think we did a lot of positive things, a lot of good things, so I think you know for us um just continue to build of that. I love my guys, we add some new guys to the lineup, got some shooting got some stuff like that, so exciting.

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